Frequently Asked Questions

+ Where are you located?

PAR5 Physical Therapy is located inside
Chimney Rock CrossFit Randolph in Randolph, New Jersey.
1572 Sussex Turnpike, Unit D, Randolph, NJ 07869.

+ What happens on my first visit?

We will perform a total body diagnostic physical examination and/or golf movement screen. We will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Your current problems
  • Your goals with physical therapy and fitness training
  • Perform manual therapy and treatment
  • Develop a treatment plan

+ Do I have to be injured or be in pain to come to PAR5 PT?

No, it is a common misconception that you need to be injured or be in pain to come see us. We are about improving movement and athletic performance. If we improve the ability for your body to move, we will improve how you do everyday things, even if your sport is just getting up in the morning and driving to work, or picking up your kids.

+ Do I have to be a golfer to come to PAR5 PT?

No, we specialize in Performance And Recovery based on the 5 concepts of physical therapy: Mobility, Stability, Balance, Coordination, and Manual Therapy. PAR5. As movement specialists, PAR5 PT is adept at treating humans, whether they are golfers, CrossFit athletes, marathon runners, or couch potatoes.

+ Do you take my insurance?

We are a participating provider for Medicare beneficiaries.

However due to the increasing requirements for third-party reimbursement and limitations in their policies, PAR5 PT has opted to be out-of-network with private insurance companies. This allows us to maintain our commitment to personalized one-on-one care. Our clients are our most important customer, not the insurance companies.

If you have out-of-network benefits, you can be reimbursed for physical therapy services.

We do accept Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) payments.

We will provide you with the necessary forms to submit your claim to your insurance company for reimbursement.

If you have any insurance-related questions, feel free to call us at 973-490-4955.

+ Why aren't you in-network with my insurance?

PAR5 PT is not your typical physical therapy service.

Physical Therapy clinics that accept insurance or are in-network, schedule multiple patients an hour due to insurance reimbursement structures. Your therapist divides their time between patients, thus reducing the effectiveness of the care, adding wasted time and sessions to your treatment plan.

At PAR5 PT, each session is one-on-one for the hour. No assistants or aides. Hands-on quality treatment each session with a board-certified orthopedic doctor of physical therapy. Expertise every session, resulting in fewer sessions. Get better, faster.

+ What is a Golf Movement Screen?

The Golf Movement Screen is a 16-point tool that assesses your body's ability to move and stabilize in relation to the golf swing. It was developed by the Titleist Performance Institute in 2003. The results of the screen will directly correlate to swing faults you may have, and we will confirm or deny those faults via a 2D golf swing video analysis. More info.

+ What is a Total Body Diagnostic?

A Total Body Diagnostic includes:

  • Posture evaluation
  • Functional movement assessment
  • Palpation
  • Range of Motion testing
  • Joint motion assessment
  • Muscle strength testing
  • Special orthopedic testing to rule in or rule out specific injuries

+ What is a "Discovery Visit"?

A "Discovery Visit" is an informal interview and discovery session. During this session we will discuss what brings you to physical therapy, what your ulitmate goals are, if it's something we can fix, and if physical therapy is right for you. That way you can make an informed decision whether or not PAR5PT is a good fit before you start.

+ What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing, something that you would exercise in. If you are coming in for a specific body part to be assessed or treated, make sure that body part can be exposed.

+ I already take golf lessons, why should I see you?

Taking golf lessons is a great way to improve your skill. But no matter how good your instruction is or how good your equipment is, your body can only do what it is capable of doing. To improve your mobility, stability, strength, and balance, golf fitness training is the key to building a solid base for your "movement heirarchy pyramid". 25 of the top 30 professional golfers in the world have a TPI certified professional advising them. Know what the pros know. See a TPI professional. Get your Golf Fitness Handicap.

+ Do I need to bring my clubs?

You do not need to bring in your golf clubs. However, you can bring in your clubs if you feel more comfortable swinging your own (a 6-7 iron will do fine).

+ How long is each appointment?

Each session is one hour in length. (The Golf Movement Screen is one and a half hours in length.)

To maximize your treatment time, please fill out your intake forms prior to your appointment. That way, each session is focused on assessment and treatment and you can get better, faster.

+ Do you specialize in manual therapy?

Yes, because each session is one hour, we can perform a variety of manual therapy techniques:

  • Joint mobilizations
  • Joint distraction / joint oscillation
  • Joint manipulations
  • Soft tissue mobilizations
  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization
  • Cupping
  • Dry Needling
  • Myofascial release
  • Transverse friction massage
  • Trigger point release
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
  • Desensitization
  • Scar mobilization
  • Mechanical percussive massage

+ Isn’t this like a session with a personal trainer?

PAR5 PT is not your typical physical therapy and fitness service. Personal Trainers do not have the medical skill and cannot use joint manipulations or mobilizations or other advanced interventions to achieve results. Also, most Physical Therapists are not Certified Golf Medical Professionals, Orthopedic Specialists, or have 20 years of experience. PAR5 PT is the combination of both worlds: Manual Physical Therapy and Golf Fitness Training.

+ Is a physical therapist also a doctor?

A doctorate is the entry level professional degree to practice physical therapy. A Doctor of Physical Therapy is the primary health care provider for musculoskeletal disorders.

+ What is an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS)?

The OCS credentialing is administered by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists, a division of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). It is achieved only by completing a list of rigorous requirements. To obtain this degree a therapist must have 2000 hours of clinical practice in Orthopedic physical therapy. Once this is complete they can apply to take the 8 hour exam covering all aspects of orthopedic diagnoses, treatment and physical therapy patient care. Orthopedic Clinical Specialists are recognized as individuals whose clinical specialization in orthopedic physical therapy demonstrates knowledge, skill and experience exceeding that of an entry level physical therapist.

+ What is a Golf Medical Professional?

A Golf Medical Professional is a certification administered by the Titleist Performance Institute that gives medical professionals golf-specific injury assessment and rehabilitation skills and techniques to get players back in the game. Based on the Body-Swing Connection, Medical Certification looks at how injuries develop, how to assess and treat injuries and how specific physical limitations can be addressed to improve performance.

+ How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions and frequency of sessions is highly variable depending on the findings of your first session and your goals. Whatever the number of sessions or length of time, be assured that we will be transparent in the planning and will hold periodical re-evaluations and re-assessments to keep you on track in the least amount of sessions.

+ Can you fix my [insert problem here]?

At PAR5 PT, we believe in complete transparency. Utilizing the best treatment techniques and expertise in evaluating musculoskeletal and orthopedic disorders, we believe that our results speak for themselves. We specialize in orthopedic musculoskeletal disorders, golf rehabilitation and golf fitness training. If we are not able to effectively treat your disorder, we will gladly refer you out to another specialist who can. Our philosophy is that if you know more about your body, the more you move better, feel better, and play better.

+ What is the Performance Plan Package?

The Performance Plan Package is a monthly membership program. For a monthly fee, you are entitled to two 60-minute sessions that can be used for evaluation or treatment. If any further treatment sessions are needed that month, you can purchase more at a discounted rate. The membership is month to month and you can cancel at any time.

+ What is the Referral Reward Program?

If you refer a friend to PAR 5 Physical Therapy and they purchase a treatment package, you receive one free 60-minute session.

+ What are your treatment packages?

Treatment packages can lower the cost of care and make it more cost-effective to acheive your goals. Packages are available in 6-session and 10-session packages. If you pay in full, you will receive one free 30-minute Stretch and Recovery Session to use yourself or give as a gift. Packages expire 1 year after purchase and are transferable.

+ What does PAR5 Physical Therapy stand for?

PAR5 stands for Performance And Recovery based on the 5 concepts of physical therapy: Mobility, Stability, Balance, Coordination, and Manual Therapy.


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