PAR5 Physical Therapy

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Is that your idea of PT?

What’s your idea of PHYSICAL THERAPY?

I’ll be blunt.

I’ll tell you what it’s not:  it’s not sharing your time with another patient, sitting waiting for your therapist to come back to tell you to do 10 more reps of a simple exercise and meanwhile you have no idea why you’re doing it.  That’s not physical therapy. But this is what the general public believes that physical therapy is. They believe that it involves a co-pay and multiple visits per week.

There are so many physical therapy clinics out there that promote themselves as being the most effective and the best, but how can they be the best when they schedule 3-4 patients per hour?  That really means that they are the best at making money for the insurance companies and their bottom line, while the patient is left to do trivial exercises that have no meaning.

No matter how skilled a physical therapist is, when your time is shared with another patient, the effectiveness of that session is reduced.
Physical therapy is a high-level skill that gets people back to what they want to do.  Physical therapy is about giving people their life back: the ability to run, the ability to bend and lift, the ability to play with their kids.  It’s not about exercise and reps, it’s about life transformation.

Physical therapy is also about prevention.  Preventing injuries and pain from ever occurring, screening out and treating risk factors so that people will not have to sacrifice their ability to walk, sit, bend, lift, or play.

To that end, isn’t physical therapy more than just exercise?  Isn’t your body worth more than that?
If you want to get your life back, or improve your ability to play or move, perhaps an expert’s full attention is needed.  

One-on-one for a full hour, every session, with a specialist.  That’s what physical therapy is.

It’s time to change your perception of physical therapy.
Come in for a free discovery session and transform your life.