Running doesn't ruin your knees

Contrary to popular belief, running and exercise don’t ruin your knees. If you’ve been told that you have arthritis or osteoarthritis in your knees and have been told to stop running, then I’ve got news for you.

For those interested in exercising more but worried about their knees, a new study from researchers in the UK might offer some reassurance. This study, published in November 2021, showed no link between exercise and a greater risk of knee osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis to plague the joint.

Joint stiffness and pain are hallmark symptoms of OA, the degenerative condition in which the cartilage protecting a joint slowly wears down over time. Symptoms may vary depending on how severe the condition has progressed. If it gets bad and you experience debilitating pain and disability, you may be a candidate for surgeries like a knee replacement. But surgery and injections should be your last resort in treating knee OA.

Age is the largest risk factor for OA, along with others like sex (women report it more often), genetics, and weight, since it can put more stress on the knees. The type of occupation can play a role as well, as physically stressful jobs that involve more heavy lifting and knee bending can cause or worsen knee OA.

The study found no significant link between the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis and either the amount of exercise done regularly or the time spent exercising.

If you already have knee pain or OA, stretching, strengthening exercises, and physical therapy can help relieve symptoms, and too much inactivity can do more harm than good by causing stiffness.

You can prevent the progression of knee pain and knee OA by getting a complete physical examination and movement assessment to reduce the stress on your knees.

Physical Therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment of knee pain that is caused by OA.

If you want more information on how you can be pain-free, contact PAR5PT to get the conversation started and have your questions answered.