PAR5 Physical Therapy

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What's your movement hierarchy?

Movement and the ability to perform activities is based on a pyramid-like hierarchy. It starts with basic concepts such as being able to move a joint, to strength and stability, and then finally to a specific skill or sport.

When one does not master the lower levels, the upper levels with suffer.

This can be applied to the golf swing or any sport. At Par 5 PT, we believe that success in sport depends on how you perform with the lower rungs of the movement hierarchy pyramid. And in training, one must ensure good movement mechanics prior to adding intensity or increasing load. This manner of training reduces the risks of injury and increases the chance of success.

Golf-centric physical therapy works on the premise that if we improve the lower levels of the pyramid, improving the ability to play better golf or any sport is the result. Golf fitness training and physical therapy are part of a whole program that includes golf swing instruction.

PGA Professionals that instruct players in how to swing a club and work to improve a golf swing reside on the top tiers of the movement hierarchy pyramid. They work on the skill component to improve sport performance. But without a stable base of proper joint mobility and strength and stability, the ability to improve the golf swing will be hampered.

Be sure to speak with us to make sure your movement pyramid is in tip top shape to get the most of your golf swing instruction.